How to Download Free eBooks: Best Webistes


Are you searching for how to download free eBooks? Look no further! This article will describe the best web libraries anyone can use.

Securing free ebooks may offer readers entrance to a considerable collection of resources. Additionally, many sites give readers access to books from small publishers or books that are no longer commercially available.

Knowing where to download free eBooks helps save money, while also promoting authors who are giving their work away for free. With the help of online libraries and other resources, anyone can take advantage of this opportunity and learn something new.

Websites to download digital books for free

Website Size of the library Registration needed Books formats Navigation
Project Gutenberg
more than 70,000
EPUB, MOBI, PDF, TXT, MP3, and many more.
Free eBooks
more than 100,000
PDF, EPUB, Kindle, and TXT
Many Books
more than 50,000
EPUB, PDF, AZW, MOBI, and others.
Open Library
more than 20,000,000
around 17,500

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is an online platform to download free electronic books. It was founded by Michael S. Hart and is known for being the oldest digital library. The library has over 70,000 volumes in different languages and is constantly growing.

The majority of the books on the website are old, for which the copyright has expired.

Simply go to the website and search for the book you want. You can also find books using the advanced search or by browsing categories. Once you've found the desired book, you can download it in various formats, including PDF, EPUB, HTML, and plain text.


  • The best part is that you don't have to sign up for any accounts. You just need to be connected to the internet, and you're ready to go! You can have as many downloadable ebooks as you want.

If you're on the hunt for the best free eBook sites, Project Gutenberg is one of them! With its huge selection of books and easy-to-use interface, it's an ideal location to look for affordable reading materials.


Free eBooks

The Free eBooks website provides users with access to more than 100,000 electronic volumes available at no cost. The platform is easy to navigate, and users can search for books by title or author, or browse through categories such as romance, mystery, fantasy, science fiction, and more.

Free electronic book in PDFs, EPUB, etc

Sign-up is required to be able to download free books. However, the process is simple and only requires basic information.

Once users have registered, they can access the entire library of free ebooks and download them in PDF, EPUB, TXT, or Amazon Kindle formats.

The user experience is smooth and seamless. The website loads quickly and books are easy to find. Moreover, you can add books to the wish or favorites list, creating a personal library. If reading on the site, you can highlight important passages in the book and take notes.


  • Every month, you can download only five eBooks for free. To access more, you will have to purchase a VIP account.

Overall, Free eBooks is a good platform to find downloadable electronic resources. The library is constantly expanding, so any reader surely will discover something captivating to read each time they log in.



ManyBooks provides exceptional access to free digital books. It offers a wide selection of genres, including classics, new releases, bestsellers, and much more. Various versions of the books exist, including PDF, TXT, MOBI, EPUB, and AZW3.

Sites to download books for free

It also has a convenient search function that simplifies the process of locating the book you need. You can filter the book selection by genre, title, author, or even just a keyword.


  • The interface is loaded with ads and has many pop-up commercials that may be annoying and distracting.

All the downloadable eBooks are free but you have to have an account to access them. The registration process is quick and simple. All in all, ManyBooks is a great resource for those who enjoy reading!


Open Library

Open Library is an online archive with over 20 million different written materials, including free eBooks for download. This library grants entry to all sorts of books - from classic literature to recently released works. The books can be obtained in a variety of formats, including EPUB, Kindle, and PDF.

Users have the option to make personal accounts. This allows them to save favorite books in the library and access them anytime. However, you can download free books without registration too.

The website has an intuitive interface and is easy to navigate. It offers search filters to help find books quickly. After selecting a book, users can acquire it in their preferred format with just one click.


  • Despite being an online resource, some books may be "not in the library". This means that you will have to wait until they become available for download.
  • In addition, in 2019, the owners of the website were sued for copyright violations.

Boasting an impressive array of titles and handy features, Open Library is a good solution for anyone seeking free eBook sites.



LibriVox is a growing website that allows you to download free audiobooks. Despite being relatively small - only 17,500 books - there are materials recorded in multiple languages.

Download free audiobooks

The website is easy to navigate, making it effortless to pinpoint the book you're looking for. The homepage offers a search bar and a selection of categories to browse through. Selecting a book brings up metadata, such as author info and synopsis.


  • With this platform, you can listen to audiobooks online or save them to your devices as an MP3 file.

Overall, LibriVox is an excellent service for downloading free audiobooks. With it, you can enjoy your favorite books on the go without the need to get a text-to-speech featured eBook reader.


Bonus option: local libraries

Many public libraries offer digital lending services where you can borrow eBooks. These platforms provide access to a wide range of digital materials, including electronic books, audiobooks, and more.

To access eBooks, you typically need a valid library card and an account with the digital lending platform. You can do this for free at most public and college libraries.

Check with your library to see which service they use. Popular platforms include OverDrive, Libby (which is OverDrive's app), and Hoopla.

Such eBooks usually have an automatic return feature, meaning you'll lose access to the book once the loan period expires. Just like with physical books from the library, there's no cost associated with borrowing eBooks.

Where else can you look for free eBooks?

Before you download any free eBook, it's important to double-check that it's from a reputable source and that it doesn't contain any malicious software. You should also be aware of the licensing agreements associated with each ebook, as some could necessitate payment to access all material.

  • Google Search. Try searching for terms such as “free ebook download” or “[book name] free download” in Google to locate no-cost ebooks.
  • Amazon Kindle. Look up Amazon Kindle's selection of free ebooks.
  • YouTube Channels. Follow YouTube channels that specialize in book reviews, book hauls, and other book-related content to stay updated with the latest news about new releases or promotions for free ebooks being given away by authors or publishers.


Could there be any risks to getting free downloadable eBooks?
Yes, there is a risk of downloading malicious software or hidden viruses when obtaining ebooks from unknown sources. It's always best to download from reputable websites like those mentioned above.
Can I print the eBook after I download it for free?
Some free books that are in the public domain are no longer under copyright protection. Hence, you can print them. However, if it is under copyright, you can't print such a book. Always review the terms of use, licensing agreements, or copyright information associated with the free eBooks you download.


In conclusion, accessing free eBooks offers a wealth of knowledge and entertainment to readers worldwide.

With an understanding of where to download eBooks for free and a commitment to honoring intellectual property rights, readers can begin a fulfilling literary journey while supporting ethical practices in the digital landscape.

Alexandra Meyer

Editor-in-Chief at Icecream Apps

With experience spanning over several years, Alexandra Meyer holds the esteemed position of editor-in-chief at Icecream Apps. Originally involved in the website's establishment in 2014, Alexandra now ensures the maintenance of the company's exceptional content standards across their various projects. Specializing in technology, software, online services, and human resources, she has extensively written and edited numerous articles on these subjects.
5 min read
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